We invite abstract submissions towards




Ground-Breaking Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).
Advancing Ethical Practices In Third Party Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

A structured abstract of 250 words is required for an original manuscript and should follow the format below:

Abstract title:

Do not use capital letters and do not indent.

The title should reflect the content

  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Keywords – of about three to five words

Abstract for other types of manuscripts should be unstructured and about 150 words.

Name and address of author(s):

Last name and given name should be provided alongside middle name and initials (where applicable).

The e-mail and telephone number of the presenting and corresponding author should be included.

Each abstract should contain original, unpublished material

which has not been presented in any meeting or conference in the field of Reproductive Health.

All abstracts must be written using Microsoft Word: using; Font – Times New Roman, size – 12; double-spaced).

Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed and subsequently accepted or rejected.

 If accepted, the author agrees to send a full-text paper including results, tables, figures, and references.

All presenting authors must register and pay for the conference before the abstract can be considered for presentation and publication in the book of abstracts.

Kindly email your abstracts to abstract@afrhnigeria.org

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31/07/2024 

AFRH 2024

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